Last Saturday, I went to visit Fish Farms and saw the many new different breeds of Betta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish) and thus started to keep them again.
I used to keep them at my work place many years ago because they don't need an air pump.
They are also not fussy eater and they are colourful.
Only cons is that they cannot be housed together with each other.
More regular water change is required as there is no filtration system to clean up or break down the waste.
Now my table is rather messy with different tanks and containers.
I need to think of a better way to display the tanks neatly...heehee.
I'll be going to visit the Aquarama 2009 at Suntec City later this afternoon to see the Betta competition.
And also heard from my friend that there is someone selling Betta fish there too.
Below are some of my Betta fish that I'm keeping now :
Half Moon Betta
(Photo added on 5 June 2009)
This betta enjoy blowing bubbles!
Half Moon Betta
(Photo added on 5 June 2009)
Crowntail Betta
This is my favourite photo of this fish!
(Photo added on 5 June 2009)
Crowntail Betta
(Photo added on 5 June 2009)
Female Betta
Female Betta
Giant Betta
(Photo added on 5 June 2009)
(Photo added on 5 June 2009)
Playful little one, likes to play with the stones.
Post Additions on 5 June 2009:
This is where I keep my bettas.
Since they do not have any filtration systems in the tank, I usually do a water change of 50% every two days.
My problem is with the aquatic plant now, it doesn't seem to last long and about 2 days, it'll start to have a foul smell.
Hence, I've removed most of the plants from the tank even though the Bettas seems to like the plants very much.
Does anyone has any recommendations for hardy aquatic plants for Bettas?
Below are a few more additions Bettas I've just brought.
Half Moon
Half Moon Plakat
Half Moon Plakat
Half Moon Plakat
Post Additions on 6 June 2009 :
Three new additions to the family.
They seemed a little stress when they were introduced into the tank.
But they started to flare at their neighbours almost instantly...aggressive little ones.
Half Moon
Half Moon Plakat
Half Moon
Post Additions on 7 June 2009:
Mini Facts about Betta Splendens
Name : Siamese Fighting Fish
Nickname : The Jewel of the Orient
Scientific Name : Betta Splendens
Family : Osphronemidae - Gourami family, (formerly classified as Anabantidae)
Originate : Thailand (Formely known as Siam)
Nature Habitat : Living in Rice paddies, muddy waters, shallow waters, slow moving streams…etc.
Species Found : approx. 150 years ago
Size for Bettas : up to 2.5 inches (6cm)
Size for Giants Bettas : up to 3.1 inches (8cm)
Species Type : Freshwater Fish
Temperature : 25 - 30 degree C.
PH : 7
Lifespan : 2-3 years
Reproduction : Males build bubble nests, the bubbles acts as a support for eggs.
During the spawn, they will be circling each other.
The male will wrap himself around the female and when she released the eggs, they are fertilized and starts to sinks.
The male will bring the eggs and spit them into the bubblenest.
Female is to remove after spawning. Males will look after the eggs.
The eggs will be incubated for 24-30 hours and hatch in 2-3 days.
About three days later, the male is to be remove from the breeding tank.
Young swimming frys can be fed brine shirmps.