Star Wars 30th Anniversary Action Figures collection.
This is also another of my favourite star wars action figures series.
The graphic design for the card are super nice and most of these action figures comes with a collectible coin.
Darth Vader w/ Coin Album
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Revenge of the Sith
Year : 2006
This Darth Vader No. 1 action figures in this series was first released together with a coin album.
I'm not sure if the indivdual action figure was also released. Probably there is...
Ewok - Romba & Graak
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Return of the Jedi
Year : 2007
Yoda and Kybuck
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Expanded Universe
Year : 2007
Anakin Skywalker
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Expanded Universe
Year : 2007
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Saga Legends
Year : 2007
Darth Vader - Holographic Blue
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Empire Strikes Back
Year : 2007
Padme Amidala
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Attack of the Clones
Year : 2007
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Return of the Jedi
Year : 2007
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Revenge of the Sith
Year : 2006
Dark Trooper w/ gold coin
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Saga Legends
Year : 2007
Airborne Trooper
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Revenge of the Sith
Year : 2007
Utapau Shadow Trooper w/ black coin
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Saga Legends
Year : 2007
Anakin Skywalker w/o coin
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Return of the Jedi
Year : 2007
There is also a version with coin.
But I found it after I've brought this one.
This one without coin comes with a revenge of the sith base.
General McQuarrie
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Empire Strikes Back
Year : 2007
Jango Fett
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Attack of the Clones
Year : 2007
Star Wars 30th Anniversary Collection CHECKLIST :
Released Date : 2006 and 2007
Total Action Figures : 75 nos
Make : Hasbro
AOTC - Attack of the Clones
ROTS - Revenge of the Sith
ANH - A New Hope
ESB - Empire Strikes Back
ROTJ - Return of the Jedi
2-1B - Surgical Droid, ROTS
Airborne Trooper - ROTS
Anakin Skywalker - Expanded Universe
Anakin Skywalker's Spirit, ROTJ, Battle of Endor
Biggs Darklighter - ANH, Tatooine
Biggs Darklighter - Rebel Pilot, ANH, Battle of Yavin
Boba Fett - Animated, ROTJ
Boba Fett - Concept, ANH, Battle of Yavin
C-3PO with Salacious Crumb - Expanded Universe
Chewbacca - Concept, ANH, Tatooine
Clone Trooper - 7th Legion
Clone Trooper - Hawkbat Battalion
Clone Trooper - Training Fatigues, AOTC
Commander Gree - ROTS
Concept Stormtrooper - ROTS
Darth Malak - Expanded Universe
Darth Revan - Expanded Universe
Darth Vader
Darth Vader - ANH, Tatooine
Darth Vader - Battle Damage - Force Unleashed
Darth Vader - Concept, ROTJ
Darth Vader - Holographic
Darth Vader - ROTS
Death Star Trooper - ANH, Battle of Yavin
Destroyer Droid - AOTC
Elis Helrot - ROTJ
Emperor's Shadow Guard - Force Unleashed
Galactic Marine - ROTS
General McQuarrie - ESB
Han Solo - ANH, Battle of Yavin
Han Solo - Concept, ROTJ, Battle of Endor
Han Solo w/ Torture Rack - ESB
Hermie Odle - Expanded Universe
Imperial Evo Trooper - Force Unleashed
Imperial Jump Trooper - Force Unleashed
Jango Fett - AOTC
Jawa & LIN Droid - ANH, Tatooine
Juno Eclipse - Force Unleashed
Kashyyyk Trooper - ROTS
Lando Calrissian - Smuggler Outfit, ESB
Luke Skywalker - ANH, Battle of Yavin
Luke Skywalker - ANH, Tatooine
Luke Skywalker - ROTJ
Mace Windu - ROTS
Maris Brood - Force Unleashed
M'iiyoom Onith - ROTJ
Mustafar Lava Miner - ROTS
Mustafar Panning Droid - ROTS
Naboo Trooper
Obi-Wan Kenobi - ROTS
Obi-Wan Kenobi - ROTS
Padme Amidala - AOTC
Pax Bonkik
Po Nudo - ROTS
Pre-Cyborg Grievous - Expanded Universe
R2-D2 - ROTS
R2-D2 w/ Cargo Net, ROTJ, Battle of Endor
Rahm Kota - Force Unleashed
Rebel Honor Guard - ANH, Battle of Yavin
Rebel Soldier - Concept, AOTC
Rebel Vanguard Trooper
Romba & Graak - ROTJ, Battle of Endor
Roron Corobb - Expanded Universe
Snowtrooper - Concept, ESB
Starkiller Hero - Concept, Expanded Universe
Stormtrooper - ANH, Tatooine
Super Battle Droid - ROTS
Tri-Droid - ROTS
Tycho Celchu - A-Wing Pilot, ROTJ, Battle of Endor
Umpass Stay - ROTJ
Voolvif Monn - AOTC
Yoda w/ Kybuck - Expanded Universe
Post Additions on 10 December 2009
Spirits of Anakin Skywalker
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Return of the Jedi
Year : 2007
This figure comes with a coin.
C-3PO and Salacious Crumb
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Return of the Jedi
Year : 2007
Biggs Darklighter Rebel Pilot
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - A New Hope
Year : 2007
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Episode I
Year : 2007
Rebel Vanguard Trooper
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Expanded Universe
Year : 2007
Saesee Tiin
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Saga Legends
Year : 2007
Po Nudo
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Revenge of the Sith
Year : 2007
Luke Skywalker
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - A New Hope
Year : 2007
Elis Helrot
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - A New Hope
Year : 2007
Lando Calrissian in smuggler outfit
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Empire Strikes Back
Year : 2007
Juno Eclipse
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Force Unleashed
Year : 2007
2-1B Surgical Droid
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Revenge of the Sith
Year : 2007
Princess Leia in Boushh disguise
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Saga Legends
Year : 2007
Roron Corobb
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Expanded Universe
Year : 2007
Darth Malak
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Expanded Universe
Year : 2007
Darth Vader
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - A New Hope
Year : 2007
Jawa and Lin Droids
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - A New Hope
Year : 2007
Pax Bonkik
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Episode I
Year : 2007
Umpass Stay
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Return of the Jedi
Year : 2007
Imperial Officer
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Saga Legends
Year : 2007
Biggs Darklighter
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - A New Hope
Year : 2007
Han Solo in torture rack
Theme : Star Wars 30th Anniversary - Empire Strikes Back
Year : 2007
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