These are Star Wars Character Heads that comes with a lollipop!
Chewbacca, Yoda and Darth Vader!
I think Yoda is the best looking here!
These two lollipop are battery operated
The candy melted all the way inside these figuring.
I had them soaked in water for few hours.
After which I replaced the lollipop with a some cotton inside!
A Lightsaber liquid candy!
I think kids will really love this.
Kellogg's Star Wars Collectibles
This is a complete collection set : Anakin, Yoda, Clone Trooper, R2D2 & C3PO, Darth Vader, Emperor, General Grevious and Obi-Wan
I think one box of cereal comes with 1 of these tabs.
Don't really know as I'm not the one eating all these cerals.
I got this whole set from a toy seller!
M&M Star Wars Collectibles Figurings
Sadly, I only have this Emperor Palpatine & Anakin Skywalker M&M Mpire!
I think there is a total of 8 or 9 different box collection.
I never forget there was once I was at a supermarket and saw tons of these M&M sets there.
At that time I still haven't collect Star Wars.
When I saw these M&M, I was laughing and told my friend "See, so ugly & funny...Aha...!"
But now, I like these so very much!!! How silly of me!
It's the same thing and now I find it so adorable!!!
Serve me right for laughing and now I regret not buying at the supermarket because at toys stores, the prices are way too high!
M&M Star Wars Car Sun Screen
I got this at a petrol kiosk many years ago.
There are many different designs.
I've wanted the Darth Vader design but the person gave me the wrong one, So I ended up with this Count Dooku Sun Screen!
M&M Star Wars Wrapper
A Star Wars Pespi Can from Singapore
Darth Maul - I've opened it and drain out the Pespi because can drinks are quite prone to leaking or bursting over the years!!!
Below are some of the Star Wars related Fast Food collectibles.
All these toys are not of the same series, I got confused along the way.
So I've only grouped them together only by their Fast Food merchant!
Not sure about this one but I guess it's also from some Fast Food outlets!!!
This toy can be close and it will form into a Tatooine Globe.
Star Wars Fast Food Collectibles : Unknown?
Cannot see any logo printed on the toys!
AT-AT w/ open cockpit, Sand Crawler, A tower w/ X-Wing & Tie Fighter, Death Star and Darth Vader.
I like the AT-AT and Darth Vader in this photo.
Darth Vader has a spinning action and inside will revealed the face of Darth Vader!
Star Wars Fast Food Collectibles : Burger King
Chewbacca, R2-D2, C3PO, Yoda, Milleninum Falcon and Darth Vader
Star Wars Fast Food Collectibles : KFC
A Pop-Up Watto, Anakin's Fighter, Queen Amidala's Royal Starship, Pit Droid and Gungan Sub Squirter
Star Wars Fast Food Collectibles : Pizza Hut
Anakin Podracer and Sebulba
Star Wars Fast Food Collectibles : Taco Bell
Magnetic Cloud City
Post Additions on 10 December 2009 :
R2D2 Candy Gum
Year : 2008
I found this in a little candy shop while I was in Hong Kong.
It was the one and only thing in the shop that is of Star Wars.
Glad I brought it back but I've not yet try the candy...
Hi Astrogalaxy;
Two things stood out for me here….
First that you drained out the Pepsi can, I don’t drink pop so I can understand that, did you drink it, pass it around, put it down the drain? (I believe we had the same kind of can and design here)
My fave is the Tatooine Globe; I am a huge Dune fan so I like the desert similarity…. LOL Plus I like the way you can open and close it….
Hello Livingsword,
I didn't drink the Pespi because it has long pass it's expiry date... I simply opened the tab a little and slowly drain the Pepsi out! If you still have the any unopened old soda cans around the house, it may be a good idea to check on them. I used to collect Coke cans and bottles but my country's weather is too hot and resulted in many coke cans bursting/leaking. There was a time I went home seeing all the soda splatterd on the walls!!!Shocked! As for the Coke Glass bottles, they are so far quite safe!
Glad you like the Tatooine Globe. Desert has always makes me feel mysterious and distant. I like photoshots of Desert sand!!! I have a book named "Dunes - Francis Tack" , it contains many beautiful images of the desert around the world! You may like to check it out!!!
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