Thursday, October 16, 2008

Jay Chou 周杰倫

Updated Post on 17 November 2008, 23 December 2009

Jay Chou Jie Lun 周杰伦Born : 18 January 1979

Jay Chou Audio CD with released dates:
7 November 2000 - Jay 周杰倫同名專輯
1 September 2001 - Fantasy 范特西
19 July 2002 - Eight Dimensions 八度空間
31 July 2003 - Ye Hui Mei 葉惠美
3 August 2004 - Common Jasmin Orange 七里香
1 November 2005 - November's Chopin 十一月的蕭邦
5 September 2006 - Still Fantasy 依然范特西
2 November 2007 - On the Run 我很忙
15 October 2008 - Capricorn 魔杰座

Jay Chou Live Concerts VCD/DVD albums :
28 October 2002 - The One Concert Live (Includes Eight Dimensions MV VCD)
21 January 2005 - Incomparable Jay Concert Live 2004 無與倫比演唱會
30 January 2008 - Jay 2007 The World Tours Concert Live CD+DVD

Jay Chou CD/VCD/DVD Albums Extended plays
2001 - Jay 周杰倫同名專輯 Karaoke MTV
21 December 2001 - Fantasy Plus 范特西+ (w/ Fantasy MV VCD)
9 April 2002 - Nun-Chucks 雙截棍
12 November 2003 - Hidden Track 尋找周杰倫(w/ Ye Hui Mei MV VCD)
20 January 2006 - Huo Yuan Jia 霍元甲(w/ November's Chopin MV DVD)
8 December 2006 - Golden Armor 黄金甲(w/ Still Fantasy MV DVD)
14 August 2007 - (Soundtrack) Secret 不能說的秘密

Jay Chou Filmography
17 January 2003 - Hidden Track 尋找周杰倫 (2003) (Guest Appearance)
23 June 2005 - Initial D 頭文字D
22 December 2006 - Curse of the Golden Flower 滿城盡帶黃金甲
27 July 2007 - Secret 不能說的秘密 (Also a Director of this film)
7 February 2008 - Kung Fu Dunk 功夫灌籃

When Jay Chou's 1st album was out, I brought only the karaoke MTV VCD in 2001.
I like the songs in the 1st album very much but I never brought any of his CD later.
Now, I think back, I don't know why???
Maybe at that time, all I was listening to was probably only Elvis Presley, English and Japanese songs.
It was only until the mid of 2005, I started to buy all Jay Chou previous CD, VCD, DVD collections.
All because of one single song I've heard which I would rather not mentioned the song title now.
And from then on, I've continued to enjoying his 1 album per year released till now.
He is one unique artiste and very musically talent guy.
Jay breathe life into Chinese songs!
Any anyone likes his songs too? Which of his album is your favourite?
Do you like his rap songs or sentimental love songs?
For me, I would say I prefer listening to his love songs though some of which makes me real sad. But I would still listened to it over and over again!
As for some of his rapping songs, I do like some of them but I can't never managed to learn to sing it at KTV after all these years...aha...

His albums tends to have a lot of different variations cater to different people.
Just today, I've found his newly released album "Capricorn 魔杰座"to have 3 different packaging, here in Singapore.
One - Is a Metal box edition w/ DVD, stickers, poker card, inside is the long box edition.
2nd - Long Box edition w/ DVD, Pokercards
3rd - Regular sized CD album with no DVD or pokercards
Below shows a list of my collection of Jay Chou albums, movies and books.
Some of the CD released might be different in different countries.

My Jay Chou's Album Collections :
Jay 周杰倫同名專輯
Tracks in CD album :
1. 可愛女人
2. 完美主義
3. 星晴
4. 娘子
5. 鬥牛
6. 黑色幽默
7. 伊斯坦堡
8. 印地安老斑鳩
9. 龍捲風
10. 反方向的鐘

MV in VCD :
1. 可愛女人
2. 黑色幽默
3. 星晴
4. 完美主義
5. 娘子
6. 鬥牛
7. 龍捲風

Fantasy 范特西This album is still my top No. 1 favourite in all Jay Chou albums.

Tracks in CD album :
1. 爱在西元前
2. 爸我回来了
3. 简单爱
4. 忍者
5. 开不了口
6. 上海一九四三
7. 对不起
8. 威廉古堡
9. 双截棍
10. 安静

Eight Dimensions 八度空間
Tracks in CD album :
1. 半兽人
2. 半岛铁盒
3. 暗号
4. 龙拳
5. 火车叨位去(台)
6. 分裂
7. 爷爷泡的茶
8. 回家过去
9. 米兰的小铁匠
10. 最后的战役

MV in VCD :
1. 最后的战役 电影版MV
2. 周杰伦的...
3. 最后的战役 MV

Ye Hui Mei 葉惠美
Tracks in CD album :
1. 以父之名
2. 懦夫
3. 晴天
4. 三年二班
5. 東風破
6. 妳聽得到
7. 同一種調調
8. 她的睫毛
9. 愛情懸崖
10. 梯田
11. 雙刀

Common Jasmin Orange 七里香
Tracks in CD album :
1. 我的地盤
2. 七里香
3. 藉口
4. 外婆
5. 將軍
6. 擱淺
7. 亂舞春秋
8. 困獸之鬥
9. 園遊會
10. 止戰之殤

November's Chopin 十一月的蕭邦
Take a peek into the CD box inner sleeve...
I think it's very well done, beautifully printed musical notes...
I like the photography works in this CD very much.
Photos were shot in Venice.

Tracks in CD album :
1. 夜曲
2. 藍色風暴
3. 髮如雪
4. 黑色毛衣
5. 四面楚歌
6. 楓
7. 浪漫手機
8. 逆鱗
9. 麥芽糖
10. 珊瑚海
Bonus Track
11. 飄移
12. 一路向北

MV in VCD :
1. 夜曲
2. 髮如雪
3. 一路向北

Still Fantasy 依然范特西
Tracks in CD album :
1. 夜的第七章
2. 聽媽媽的話
3. 千里之外
4. 本草綱目
5. 退後
6. 紅模仿
7. 心雨
8. 白色風車
9. 迷迭香
10. 菊花台

MV in DVD :
1. 千里之外 電影版
2. 夜的第七章 電影版
3. Jay偵探秘案 幕後花絮

On the Run 我很忙

Tracks in CD album :
01. 牛仔很忙
02. 彩虹
03. 青花瓷
04. 陽光宅男
05. 蒲公英的約定
06. 無雙
07. 我不配
08. 扯
09. 甜甜的
10. 最長的電影

Capricorn 魔杰座Jay's latest album...
If you've pre-order, you'll get the Rubiks cube with his pictures on it.
For each purchase of his CD (Metal box or Long box), one can also get a poker cards.
Well, my favourite track is TRACK 6!

Tracks in CD album :
1. 龍戰騎士
2. 給我一首歌的時間
3. 蛇舞
4. 花海
5. 魔術先生
6. 說好的幸福呢
7. 蘭亭序
8. 流浪詩人
9. 時光機
10. 喬克叔叔
11. 稻香

MV in DVD :
1. 稻香
2. 給我一首歌的時間

Live Concerts VCD/DVD albums :The One Concert CD Live (w/ Eight Dimension VCD)

Live CD Disc 1 :
1. 雙截棍
2. 忍者
3. 爺爺泡的茶
4. 暗號
5. 愛在西元前
6. 半島鐵盒
7. 回到過去
8. 鬥牛
9. 分裂
10. 安靜
11. 黑色幽默

Live CD Disc 2 :
1. 找自己
2. 龍捲風
3. 星晴
4. 龍拳
5. 上海一九四三
6. 你怎麼連話都說不清楚
7. 最後的戰役
8. 簡單愛
9. 開不了口

MV in VCD - Eight Dimensions 八度空間:
1. 半兽人
2. 半岛铁盒
3. 暗号
4. 龙拳
5. 火车叨位去
6. 分裂
7. 爷爷泡的茶
8. 回家过去
9. 米兰的小铁匠
10. 最后的战役

The One Concert Live VCD w/ Jay Chou's Figure

VCD Disc 1 :
1. 雙截棍
2. 半獸人
3. 忍者
4. 爺爺泡的茶
5. 暗號
6. 爸 我回來了
7. 威廉古堡
8. 愛在西元前
9. 半島鐵盒
10. 回到過去
11. 鬥牛

VCD Disc 2 :
1. 分裂
2. 安靜
3. 黑色幽默
4. 找自己
5. 龍捲風
6. 星晴
7. 龍拳
8. 上海一九四三
9. 你怎麼連話都說不清楚
10. 最後的戰役
11. 簡單愛
12. 開不了口

Incomparable Jay Concert Live 2004 無與倫比演唱會

Live in DVD :
1. 以父之名
2. 止戰之殤
3. 她的睫毛
4. 晴天
5. 妳聽得到
6. 梯田 + 爸我回來了
7. 園遊會
8. 龍捲風
9. 將軍
10. 亂舞春秋
11. 星晴 + 回到過去 + 最後的戰役 + 愛我別走
12. 我的地盤
13. 香草把噗 (南拳媽媽)
14. 小時候 (南拳媽媽 + 周杰倫)
15. 愛情懸崖
16. 擱淺
17. 藉口
18. 瓦解
19. 祝我生日快樂 (周杰倫 + 溫嵐)
20. 人來瘋 (溫嵐)
21. 雙刀 + 雙截棍 + 龍拳
22. 困獸之鬥
23. 倒帶
24. 簡單愛
25. 七里香
26. 外婆
27. 斷了的弦
28. 東風破
29. 軌跡
精彩花絮收錄 :
1. 幕後花絮
2. 樂手介紹
3. 百萬動畫
4. 小時候VCR

Jay 2007 The World Tours Concert Live

1. 黃金甲
2. 無雙
3. 不能說的秘密
4. 退後
5. 甜甜的
6. 最長的電影
7. 蒲公英的約定
8. 白色風車
9. 菊花台
10. 麥芽糖
11. 牛仔很忙
12. 聽媽媽的話
13. 本草綱目
14. 千里之外
15. 夜曲
16. 迷迭香
17. 陽光宅男
18. 髮如雪
19. 霍元甲
20. 雙截棍
Special : 周大俠【功夫灌藍】電影主題曲

CD/VCD/DVD Other Albums, Extended plays :
周杰倫同名專輯 Jay's Karaoke MTVThis is my first Jay Chou album I've brought.
It's also the only Jay Chou's KTV VCD, if I'm not wrong.
All his other MV does not have the karaoke version, I wonder why?
Sure hope that one day, he can released his previous MVs on karaoke!

1. Jay's profile
2. 可愛女人
3. 完美主義
4. 星晴
5. 娘子
6. 鬥牛
7. 黑色幽默
8. 伊斯坦堡
9. 龍捲風
10. 反方向的鐘

Fantasy Plus 范特西+ (w/ Fantasy MV VCD)

Tracks on CD :
1. 蝸牛
2. 你比從前快樂
3. 世界末日

MV in VCD :
1. 愛在西元前
2. 爸我回來了
3. 簡單愛
4. 忍者
5. 開不了口
6. 上海一九四三
7. 對不起
8. 威廉古堡
9. 雙截棍
10. 安靜
11. 蝸牛
12. 你比從前快樂
13. 世界末日

Nun-Chucks 雙截棍
(I don't have this title)

Hidden Track 尋找周杰倫(w/ Ye Hui Mei MV VCD)

Tracks on CD :
1. 軌跡
2. 斷了的弦
3. 軌跡 (Original Karaoke)
4. 斷了的弦 (Original Karaoke)

葉惠美 MV VCD :
1. 以父之名
2. 懦夫
3. 晴天
4. 三年二班
5. 東風破
6. 妳聽得到
7. 同一種調調
8. 她的睫毛
9. 愛情懸崖
10. 梯田
11. 雙刀

Huo Yuan Jia 霍元甲(w/ November's Chopin 十一月的萧邦 MV DVD)
Tracks in CD :
1. 霍元甲
2. 献世 (Live Version, 广东话)

十一月的萧邦 MV DVD :
1. 霍元甲
2. 夜曲
3. 蓝色风暴
4. 发如雪
5. 黑色毛衣
6. 四面楚歌
7. 枫
8. 浪漫手机
9. 逆鳞
10. 麦芽糖
11. 珊瑚海
12. 飘移
13. 一路向北

14. 周杰伦 红磡演唱会精彩影音剪辑
- 以父之名
- 园游会
- 乱舞春秋
- 三年二班
- 藉口
- 四手联弹 (周杰伦 + 南拳妈妈 宇豪)
- 安静
- 献世
- 简单爱
- 东风破
- 爷爷泡的茶
- 七里香

Golden Armor 黄金甲(w/ Still Fantasy MV DVD)
Aha...I've actually mix-up this with 霍元甲 VCD... Such a blur!
So I've all along thought I've this title. Hehe...
Now, will have to go and searched for this title on VCD.
Hope I'll be able to find it soon!
(Post Additions on 17 November 2008)

Tracks in CD :
1. 黃金甲
2. 菊花台(杰倫鋼琴演奏版)

1. 黃金甲
2. 夜的第七章
3. 聽媽媽的話
4. 千里之外
5. 本草綱目
6. 退後
7. 紅模仿
8. 心雨
9. 白色風車
10. 迷迭香
11. 菊花台

Secret 不能說的秘密 - Soundtrack CD w/ movie book

Tracks in CD album :
1. Opening
2. 腳踏車
3. 早操
4. 淡水海邊
5. 鬥琴
6. 湘倫小雨四手聯彈
7. Ride With Me
8. 父與子
9. 情人的眼淚 (演唱: 姚蘇蓉)
10. First Kiss
11. 女孩別為我哭泣 (演唱: 黃俊郎)
12. 晴天娃娃 (演唱: 江語晨)
13. 阿郎與阿寶
14. 與父共舞
15. 路小雨
16. The Swan
17. Flash Back
18. Secret (慢板)
19. Angel
20. 小雨寫立可白Ⅰ
21. 小雨寫立可白Ⅱ
22. Secret (加長快板)
23. 琴房
24. Ending
25. 不能說的秘密 (演唱:周杰倫)

Jay Chou's Movie Collections :
Hidden Track 尋找周杰倫

Initial D 頭文字DThis is by far my most favourite movie from Jay Chou.
A movie which I'll never forget...

Curse of the Golden Flower 滿城盡帶黃金甲(I have not watch this movie but heard the review was good except for it's ending...)
(Photo added on 17 November 2008)

Secret 不能說的秘密
Jay Chou first directed film.
A love story and I like the tempo of this film.
Editing works in also good and overall I enjoyed this movie.
The soundtrack is also another wonderful collection great to the ear.

KungFu Dunk 功夫灌籃
Watched this movie in cinema.
Basketball is one of Jay's favourite hobby, so he's very natural in the movie.
(Photo added on 17 November 2008)

Jay Chou's Book Collections :
Iron Box of an Island 半島鐵盒ISBN : 7-80679-007-1
A book by Jay Chou and Vincent Fang

Songwritter : Vincent Fang Wen Shan 方文山
Born : 26 January 1969
He has written many songs for Jay Chou. Super Talented Genius!
He has also acted in Jay Chou MTV - Coral Sea 珊瑚海

Grandeur De D MajorISBN : 7-80679-674-6
First book written by Jay Chou.
Book begins with many intro by many people who are close to him.

Concert Pictures Book
I think this is an unofficial book.
There's no printing of the publisher or ISBN no.

Initial D 頭文字D
ISBN : 957-29371-6-2
A very nice movie book of Initial D.

Initial D 頭文字D
ISBN : 7-89491-246-8
Not a very nice book. I prefer the above edition Inital D book.

Huo Yuan Jia 霍元甲ISBN : 7-88362-581-0

The Photo album of KungFu Dunk 功夫灌籃ISBN : 978-986-174-585-5

Post Additions on 23 December 2009 :

Date : 22 December 2009, Tuesday
Location : Plaza Singapura, Singapore
Event Time : 7 pm

This is the first time I finally get to see Jay Chou in person.
He was at Plaza Singapore for promoting his new film - Treasure Hunter 刺陵
Released date for the film is on 31 December 2009.
Jay Chou arrived together with Li Chi-ling and director Chou Yin-Ping at approx. 7.40pm.
Jay spoke about the film, which I couldn't hear at all with all the fans screaming...
He then performed some magic card tricks which I couldn't really see from my view.
Anyway, they were all on stage for about 10 minutes only!!!

I was there standing since 5pm.
I've chosen a wrong spot to stand and only got myself to blame!
Was very annoyed with people pushing from behind.
There was a poor little girl standing beside me who was almost crushed like roti-prata by another girl behind here...
This is my first time seeing a movie promoting kind of event and probably my last time too...


DARKangel said...

i can see that you are a great fan of his, i want to check with you something, i pre-ordered his capricorn album. i just got the album, but the song title in the disc when i play it are all wrong although the song played is correct and it follows the sequence of the lyric book. do you have the same problem.?

Astro Galaxy said...

Hi darkangel,
I've just checked my disc. There isn't any song title printed on my CD itself. I'm not sure if you are referring to playing the CD on computer. If yes, I also do have a problem when I play the CD on my computer, the title pop out in the computer screen are all wrong! All the song titles turns out to be from his older album...

DARKangel said...

ya..i'm referring to playing the cd on computer, what udid, did u went to exchange or u just change it manually?

Astro Galaxy said...

yeah...I changed the song title manually!

ihunz said...

hi, i'm keith. regarding ur jay chou - The One Live Figurine. r u selling it? i'm interested. do contact me at 9011 0119 or

Astro Galaxy said...

I'm sorry Keith, I do not have any extra Jay Chou figuring to sell.
Have a good day.