Monday, May 11, 2009

Blogger's Choice Awards

Updated Post on 12 May 2009, 14 May 2009

I've received a nomination (Blogger's Choice Award) at my another blog about travel and places - Astro Galaxy Travel today from a blogger.
Still trying to explore the blogger's choice website as it has many interesting blogs to read.

As for voting on my Travel blog - ASTRO GALAXY TRAVEL, please use this link and paste it on your browser :
Or just click below to vote at Bloggers Choice Awards!
Sincerely, Thank You!
My site was nominated for Best Travel Blog!


Blue Fairy meets Gepetto said...

Hi! I've just voted! all the luck. :¬)

Astro Galaxy said...

Dear blue fairy,
Thanks for voting my travel blog!

Kathy W said...

I voted for you also. What a great little blog you have. Love the pictures of the fish you have posted above.

Astro Galaxy said...

Thank you kathy,
Glad you like the fish pictures.
I've enjoyed looking at the flowers you've posted in your blog too!
It's very beautiful!