Where would you like to go for your next holidays ?
Go on a shopping spree ? HongKong, USA, Korea, Japan ?
or a relaxing beach at Maldives ?
Or maybe the exotic lands of Tibet, Egypt ?
As for me, I very much would like to visit is the the "Rancho Obi Wan" .
When I saw those snapshots of his collection, I went crazy……………….
I don't think it is open to public for visiting. You need to be invited to be there.
Some lucky guys were being invited there, I wonder how ?
Any tips for me?
Aha...or sneak me in!!! Just Kidding!
I found this photo on the web. I think it's a very COOL picture.
Credits : Photographer unknown.It probably belongs to Steve.
He's name is Steve J. Sansweet.
Written a lot of Star Wars books too.
He's massive collection of Star Wars will make any Star Wars drool.
He has everything from Action Figures, Dolls, Lightsabers, Lifesize Figures, Lego, Books…etc.
Anything to do with Star Wars, you name it, I think he's got it.
Visit "www.starwars.com" and you will see some pretty cool pictures of his house.
Must see, you must ! May The Force Be With You !