This morning when I woke up, I decided to go for some photo shoots.
So I thought of Singapore Jurong Bird Park.
I haven't visited the park since I've got my Nikon D60 DSLR.
Happily, I packed up my camera stuffs and set off!
While driving... I realised I might have not fully charge my batteries.
After checking, it indeed IS NOT CHARGED!
So I went home again to get the batteries charged.
It was then about 12.30pm that I set off again to the Jurong Bird Park.
15 minutes later... AHA, I arrvied my destination!
S$2.00 for full day parking and S$18.00 for admission.
I'm so excited and the first attraction I rushed to see is of favourite!
"The PENGUIN Expedition"
I will be posting an entire post on the penguins alone in another post.
I've tried my best to find the species & infos of the photographed birds but if I've made any mistakes, please let me know.
So, let's enter into the PARK :
The Flamingo Pool
These Flamingo is nearer to the main entrance of the bird park.
Colours are brighter and stronger with these Flamingo.
If you go further into the park to Flamingo Lake, there are hundreds more over there.
But the colours of the Flamingo there is of a lighter pink.
Flamingo (Phoenicopterus Ruber)
Up to 127 cm long, has extremely long neck and legs.
It's "bent" beaks enables it to forage through muddy bottom.
Habitat : Lagoons, Lakes, Marshlands
Found : Africa, Asia, America and Europe
Breeding : 1 or 2 eggs and are incubated by both parents for about 28-32 days.
The young bird would leave the nest after about 4 days and follow their parents.
Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus Ruber)
Habitat : Riverbanks, lakes and marshlands
Found : South America
Breeding : Males will scout for materials to build a nest and the female would do the building.
Generally about 2 egss and need to be incubated for about 21-23 days. Young are reared by the parents and leave nest about three weeks. Matured at 2 years.
Brahminy Kite (Haliastur Indus)
About 43-50cm long.
Feeds on fish, crabs, frogs and also insects
Habitat : Coastal zones, Paddy Fields, Marshlands
Found : India, Sri Lanka, Asia, China and Australia
Breeding : Nest is built on tree with branches, leaves. paper, fish bones...etc.
Lays about 1 - 4 eggs, usually 2 and is incubated by the female for an average 26 days.
The young leaves their nest after 50 - 55 days.
Looks like a statue!
I'm amazed birds can actually hold on to the same position for a long long time.
Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus Leucocephalus)
About 85-105 cm in length.
Wide wing span aprrox. 2.45m.
Females are usually larger than the males.
Feeds on fish and mammals.
Habitat : Rocky seacoast, lakes and riverbanks
Found : America
Breeding : Nest build by large amount of branches and is built in trees or among rocks. 1 to 3 egss are laid and incubated for about 35 days. Youngs leave their nest at about 10-11 weeks.
Two-wattled Cassowary (Casuarius Casuarius)
About 1 meter in length and can weight up to 85 kg.
The head looks like a helmet, hence sometimes it's also called helmet head bird.
Habitat : Lowlands
Found : Northern Australia and New Guinea
Breeding : Female lays 3-8 eggs. Incubation between 49-56 days by the Male, which also takes care to the young.
Pelican Cove :
A large lake in the bird park that houses many Pelicans.
The environment is very well created for these Pelicans.
White Pelican (Pelecanus Onocrotalus)
About 113-135cm in length exlcuding the beak which is about 35cm.
Feeds mainly on fishes.
Habitat : Lakes, Marshlands, Lagoons
Found : Europe, Asia and Africa
Breeding : Nest is made up of branches and twigs. Average 2 eggs and incubated by both parents for about 30 days.
Youngs are ready to leave at 10 weeks.
Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida Meleagris)
Habitat : Open Terrain, Lowlands, Savannah, Scrub
Found : Africa
Breeding : Each clutch has about 8 - 12 eggs.
Incubation on an aveerage 25 days.
World of Darkness :
It is Asia first bird house that has a reverse lighting system turning day to night and vice-versa.
This is an enclosed air-conditioned and dark walk around the Owls display.
A must visit for Owl's fans and maybe also Harry Poter's fans too!!!
My favourite is the Snowy Owl. I think ther're very beautiful.
Burrowing Owl (Speotyto Cunicularia)
About 25cm long.
Feeds on insects, birds and rodents.
Habitat : Prairie, Deserts and open terrain
Found : America
Breeding : Between 6-11 eggs and incubated by both parents for 3 - 4 weeks.
Great Gray Owl (Strix Nebulosa)
Approx. 57cm in length.
Feeds mainly on rodents.
Habitat : Forest
Found : Europe, Asia, America
Breeding : 3-5 eggs with each eggs laid at intervals of 2-12 days.
Nests in trees and will also use old nests from other birds.
Young can leave their nest at 3-4 weeks but can fly only after about 5 weeks,
Young stay with parents and are fed by parents for many months.
Snowy Owl (Nyctea Scandiaca)
About 52-65 cm.
Mostly perches on trees or rocks.
While hunting, it kills its prey in flight!
Feeds on rabbits, mice, birds and invertebrates.
Habitat : Arctic, lakes, sea
Found : Arctic areas
Breeding : About 4 - 10 eggs and female incubates it for about 32-37 days.
Nests on grounds in hollows.
Young leaves nest at 3-4 weeks and able to fly about 8-9 weeks.
African Wetlands :
A exhibit that houses many birds from Africa.
The photo below seems like an african darter from my book. Not very sure.
Please let me know if I'm wrong.
This bird is quite funny.
He was standing on top of the roof for about half an hour.
I wonder what's up there!!!
African Darter (Anhinga Rufa)
These birds are generally shy. Feeds on fish and aquatic animals caught in water.
About 85-91cm long
Habitat : Lakes, Marshland
Found : Africa and Asia
Breeding : Female lays about 3-5 egss and incubates it for about 1 month.
A big nest is made of twigs.
Shoebill (Balaeniceps Rex)
About 120cm long, with deep and wide beak.
Solitary nature, feeds on fish.
Habitat : River, Marshland
Found : African
Breeding : 2 to 3 eggs. Nest is made up of aquatic plants.
Saddle-billed Stork (Ephippiorhychus Senegalensis)
About 150cm long, with wing span opening up to 240 cm.
Feeds on fishes and invertebrates.
Habitat : Lakes, Marshlands
Found : Africa
Breeding : Can lay up to 3 eggs.
Crowned Crane (Balearica Pavonina)
The size of these crane is approx. 95 cm.
Feeds on invertebrates and vegetables.
Habitat : Savanna, Open Terrain
Found : Africa
Breeding : Usually lays 2 eggs.
Nest is made up of scrubs and bushes.