Four days ago, 29th Novemeber 2007... I was surfing a star wars forum and FOUND OUT !!!
"LUCASFLIM is hiring for it's Singapore branch company."
I would LOVE to be in that company !
But I think my chances of getting into this company is 1%, maybe even less.
Now I need to prepare for a portfolio to submit.
Deadline is 15 December 2007.
Attended their seminar yesterday night.
It was so COOL and the presentation was very informative.
It provides me an insight to how movies were made using CG.
CG was simply awesome! The power in visual effects is jaw dropping.
Many times I thought it was real.
Even though I've read many movies making books but the seminar gave me another perceptive to the whole movie/animation making.
You know, my mind is now close to explosion!
I've never prepare any portfolio before.
Photoshop is also not something I excel in.
Animation... I only know I love watching.
So the summary is I'm basically EMPTY!
Still I would try because of my passion for STAR WARS & love of visual effects.
Wish me Luck ! Thanks !
Post Additions on 13 August 2008 :
I'm not hired! Aha... I didn't even make it to go for an interview!
But well, it was as expected since I do not have any relevant degree or experience in this field!
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